


上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 14:25:53
文档分类: 英语专业
浏览次数: 7
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文档字数: 3315
Color words in each national culture is an important component. Because of different regions, customs, politics, religion and values, etc., corresponding to each other in English color words often represent different meanings, this article will be based on cultural background color words generated color terms of cultural differences were analyzed in order to better understand the influence of different ethnic and cultural background of the language generated, to avoid cultural conflicts in Intercultural Communication.
Color words are expressive language with profound culture meanings. This thesis provides a large number of examples to illustrate the cultural connotations of the basic color terms: black, white, red, yellow and green. It can help the readers know their cultural connotations clearly in English and Chinese, and appreciate the psychological differences so as to reduce the difficulties in intercultural communication. 

Keywords:Basic color terms; cultural connotations; contrastive study

Abstract I
Contents I
1. Introduction 1
2. Sino-British cultural overview of colors 2
3. Cultural differences in Color Words between Chinese and English 3
3.1 white 3
3.2 Black 3
3.3 Red 4
3.4 Yellow 5
4. Cross-cultural differences in terms of color Strategies 6
4.1 Promote National Integration 6
4.2 Respect for Cultural Differences 6
4.3The Historical Factors 6
5.Conclusion 7
References 8




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