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提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:51:30
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题目(英文) On the Translation of English News Headlines                                             
题目(中文)   浅谈英语新闻标题的翻译                                          
News headline is a very important part of news English, because headline is a language medium that can provide readers with as much information as possible in a short time, and has a unique role in news reportage. Generally speaking, good headlines usually have the following characteristics: conciseness, strikingly, generality and wit. There are a lot of researches on news headlines in the academic field. Some are from the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, and some from the aspect of cultural differences.
As a communication tool, news can help people transmit information of all fields in the worldwide to narrow the distance among countries. A good news headline can not only show the subject clearly, but also can arouse the deeper interests of the readers. The thesis concludes the language features of English news headlines and then concludes the common translation methods of English news headlines through some examples, such as, literal translation, free translation etc. in the English news headlines, which makes the translation of English news headlines more accurate and brings more convenience to the translation of English news headlines

Key words: news headline  translation  methods  

Abstract I
Key words: news headline  translation  methods I
Contents I
1. Introduction 1
2. The Translation Methods of English News Headlines 2
2.1  Literal translation 2
2.2  Free translation 2
2.3  Addition approach 2
2.3.1 Addition of subjects 2
2.3.2 Addition of verbs 3
2.3.3 Addition of quantifiers 3
2.3.4 Addition of indefinite articles 3
2.3.5 Addition of background information 3
2.4 Reduction approach 4
2.4.1 Reduction of function words 4
2.4.2 Reduction of pronouns 4
2.4.3 Reduction of link verbs 4
2.5 Translation of rhetoric in the news headlines 4
3. Conclusion 6
References 7




上一篇肢体语言在小学英语教学中的重要性 下一篇浅谈文化因素在英语教学中的应用


