


上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:36:47
文档分类: 英语专业
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文档字数: 3835
Mark Twain was the first truly American literary master of humor, he used humor to the social reality of writing a merciless satire and criticism, his work has a serious and profound thoughts. In Mark Twain's works, often first-person narrative perspective, the use of contrast, the rhetorical hyperbole and a lot of absurd uninhibited material, the content often make people laugh, but thought-provoking. Mark Twain literary humor in American soul: He inherited the early American humorist writing features and skills; and the humor and social satire combine, for the later set a new model humorist humorous literary creation. Throughout his many humorous works Mark Twain's humor has three characteristics: exaggeration, control and satire.Mark Twain's humor and both belong to the United States belong to the world, his humor works become humanity's common spiritual wealth.
Firstly, this paper review the relevant articles.It introduced Mark Twain and his novels, and his sense of humor.Sencendly,this paper excavate Mark Twain humor’s features from social phenomena and works.For example,exaggeration, control and satire. And then it elaborated the humor of Mark Twain. Finally, it proposed the conclusion and summarize the full text.

Keywords: Mark Twain, American Humor, The Features and The Use


Abstract I
Contents I
Introduction 1
1. About Mark Twain and His Works 2
1.1 The Profile of Mark Twain 2
1.2 The Profile of Humor 2
1.3Mark Twain’s Works 3
2. Humor Reflected in Mark Twain's Works 4
2.1 The Features of Mark Twain’s humor 4
2.1.1 Mark Twain’s humor exposes the American social phenomena 4
2.1.2 Mark Twain’s humor has a serious and extensive social significance 5
2.2 Mark Twain’s American Humor 6
2.3 The Use of Mark Twain’s Humor 6
2.3.1 The Use of the First Person 6
2.3.2 Absurd and Do Not Deviate from The Topic 7
3 .Conclusion 9
References 10




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