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提交日期: 2022-12-16 16:27:06
文档分类: 英语专业
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文档字数: 2826
The Old Man and the Sea is a novella of Earnest Hemingway, a great America writer. This is a story based on a true man and a true story, this story is so fascinating that it is an epic. This article focuses on analyzing tough end of Santiago, the hero. Santiago is tough, he persisted in extremely hard situation, even death threat does not intimidated him. However, killing the marlin, he showed great compassion and sorry. This is because the nature law works - kill or killed. The writer, Earnest Hemingway himself is a tough man, strive hard, taking adventures to seek his literature career. And when he was really bad, he even killed himself, which is also a proof of motif of the story.  

Abstract I
Contents I
1. Introduction 2
1.1 Summary of the novella 2
1.2 Background about the story 2
1.3 About the writer 2
1.4 Criticism about the story 3
2. Analyzing about Santiago 4
2.1 Merits of the fisherman 4
2.1.1 Perseverance 4
2.1.2 Courage 5
2.3 Honor for life 5
2.3.1 Nature and death 5
2.3.1 Dignity and pride 5
2.3.3 Can be destroyed, can't be defeated 6
3. Symbols in the story 7
3.1 The Marlin 7
3.2 The Shovel-Nosed Sharks 7
3.3 Lion on beach 7
4. Conclusion 9
References 10




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