


上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 14:07:58
文档分类: 英语专业
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In the process of English Chinese translation, literal translation and free translation are two common methods of translation. There are similarities and differences and similarities between the two, has its own unique characteristics. In this paper, the analysis of the system in allusion to the literal translation and free translation how to applied. Because of cultural differences, allusions very not easy to be understood and accepted by the readers. Processing method of allusions to the translator in the translation process directly affects the quality of translation. This paper discusses the methods of translation in different situations and different literary allusion. In addition to literal translation and free translation, literal translation with Notes is also a very good method. This method makes it easier for readers to understand the original author's ideas. Hope to make its own contribution to the cultural exchanges between China and the west through this paper.

Keywords  literal translation    free translation    allusion

Abstract I
Contents I
1.Introduction 2
1.1. Literal translation 2
1.2. Definition of free translation 2
2. Allusion translation 3
2.1. The Possibility of Allusion Translation 3
2.2. Literal Translation 3
2.2.1. Literal Translation 3
2.2.2 . Literal Translation Adds a Note 4
2.3 Free Translation 4
2.3.1. To Introduce the Name of People, Place in Allusion 4
2.3.2. To Introduce animals in Allusion 5
3. Limitations of translation 6
3.1 The limitation Literal translation 6
3.2 The limitations of free translation 6
4. The development of literal translation and free translation in Translation 7
5 . Conclusion 8
References 9




上一篇唐顿庄园中语言“含蓄美”的分析 下一篇关于英语习语翻译


