

Comparison of feminist characters between Scarlett and Xifen wang--

Comparison of feminist characters between Scarlett and Xifen wang--
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提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:53:20
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Gone with the Wind has been the most popular novel in American literature. Dream of the Red Mansions had gained the highest achievement in Chinese ancient novel. The cultural background on the basis of Confucianism was the cause of unfortunate fate of Chinese women. But the women in the America south won the high status and enjoyed great liberty and privilege, because the American people are indifferent to ideology. In this paper, the authors portrayed respectively two female characters Scarlett and Xifeng. They both showed prominent characters and distinguishing features. There had been analysis for comparison of background, ability between Scarlett and Xifeng in this thesis. There also had been analysis for comparison of attitude toward society, toward tradition, toward love and marriages between Scarlett and Xifeng. Scarlett and Xifeng had the same character. They originated from honour family. Scarlett lived in a society of respecting women. Scarlett had an opportunity to compete with men in society and stand on her own feet and begin a new life. So the fates of women depend on social environment. No matter how much ability they have, there was no way for women to live in independent life. Social background has a significant effect on the fates of women.

Key words: Gone with the Wind; Dream of the Red Mansions; Scarlett; Xifeng; feminist


II.A Brief Introduction of Gone with the Wind and Dream of the Red Mansions………………………………………………………………….…….…….3
III.Comparison of feminist characters of Scarlett and Xifen Wang……..…….…....3
3.1 Feminist Analysis of Gone with the Wind and Dream of the Red……….…..……4
3.2 Comparison of background between Scarlett and Xifeng………………......….…5
3.3 Comparison of ability between Scarlett and Xifeng………………….…...………5
3.4 Comparison of attitude toward society between Scarlett and Xifeng……….…….6
3.5 Comparison of attitude toward love and marriages between Scarlett and Xifeng……….…………………………...…………..……….…….…………….…....6
IV.The underlying reasons of different fates between Scarlett and Xifeng….….........7




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