

Business English translation based on adaptation theory

Business English translation based on adaptation theory
上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:52:57
文档分类: 英语专业
浏览次数: 6
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Though business English gets its appropriate treatment as an academic pursuit worldwide, business English translation does not. In the sense, business English is promoted and used as a media between businessmen of different mother tongues, then why the trouble to translate? So to get the status for business English translation as a proper academic endeavor, appropriate reasons have to be clarified. This essay starts with international business English which the Theory of Adaptation is applied to. Through explanation and illustration step by step, the Theory of Adaptation brings translators enlightenment.

Key words:  Business English; Business English Translation; 
The Theory of Translation; Application of the Theory  

Abstract I
I  Introduction 1
II  Related theory 1
2.1 International Business English 1
2.2 Adaptation Theory 1
III Theoretical basis 2
3.1 Three core notions of Adaptation Theory 2
3.2 Four angles of investigation 2
IV  Application of the Adaptation Theory to Business English Translation 2
4.1 Literal translation 2
4.2 Omission Translation 4
4.3 Conversion Translation 5
V  Conclusion 6
References 6




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