

n Analysis of Holden's Character in Catcher

n Analysis of Holden's Character in Catcher
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提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:39:27
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文档字数: 3950
The Catcher in the Rye, published in 1951, is the only published novel of J.D. Salinger, which made him one of the most popular novelists in postwar America. However, in the mean time, some critics thought that the novel might guide the youth to go astray. The Catcher in the Rye has pointed out the problems which young people were faced of in their growth in the society after World War II. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of the novel, was a typical representative of rebellious youth in postwar America and one of the earliest anti-hero images in American literature. The study of The Catcher in the Rye in China can be roughly divided into two stages. From 1980s to 1990s, the novel was treated only as a translation material. From 1990s, scholars and critics gradually began to explore the value, meaning, themes and characters of the novel. This paper focuses on the novel’s main character – Holden’s epiphany and enlightment. 

Keywords: Catcher in the Rye;enlightment.;Holden Caulfield 

Abstract I
ⅠIntroduction 4
Ⅱ Analysis of Holden's Character 4
2.1Holden's indecision 4
2.2 Holden's Rebellion 6
2.3 Holden's cynicalness 7
Ⅲ The forming factors of Holden's Character 8
3.1Family factor 8
3.2 Society factor 9
IVConclusion 10
Reference 12




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