


上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:19:15
文档分类: 英语专业
浏览次数: 9
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文档字数: 3024
题目(英文) Effect of the Cultural Difference between East and West on Translation
题目(中文)  中西文化差异对翻译的影响                                           
Because of the difference in the geographical location、climate condition、customs and religious belief it will influence the translation between Chinese and English.The cultural difference can influence the translation so much.So it should fully consider the difference between Chinese and English culture and ensure the accuracy in translation and try to meet the reading habits of target readers.In the paper , the difference between Chinese and English culture was introduced firstly, then the influence of Chinese and English difference on English translation was studied from those aspects: business English translation and literature English translation and legal English translation.Business English translation requires higher accuracy.Business English has feature with simplicity and efficiency and the sentence structure is more fixed and the language is simple and concise lacking of rhetoric.The literature works often contains strong personal emotion of the author related to the different culture.In the process of translation, the translators should try to be faithful to the original text and use a lot of translation techniques flexibly.The legal English translation should be specific and clear and it should try to get rid of the influence of Chinese thinking habits and pay more attention to the difference of the two languages in the expression.

Keywords: Culture Difference;Translation;Effect

Abstract I
Contents I
Introduction 1
1.Introduction to the Differences between Chinese and English Culture 2
1.1 The Chinese Culture 2
1.2 The English Cultrue 2
2.The Influence of Chinese and English Differences on English Translation 4
2.1 Business English Translation 4
2.2 The Literary English Translation 5
2.3 The Legal English Translation 5
3. Conclusion 7
References 8




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