


上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 16:22:14
文档分类: 英语专业
浏览次数: 9
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文档字数: 2619
题目:An Analysis of American Culture Reflected in Cartoon Movies
[Abstract] Movies are a way to show life and art, as one of the expressions of film art, cartoon film plays a very important role in cultural communication. As the industry leader, American cartoon movies account for a large share in the world. The United States exports and communicates their culture to the world in the form of an cartoon film. For example: Humorous culture, Adventurous spirit culture, Personal heroism culture, American family values and so on. When we open the window of American cartoons, we can know the culture what is popular in the United States.

Key words: Cartoon movies, Humorous, Adventurous spirit, Personal heroism, American family values, Inclusive Culture.

Abstract I
Contents I
Introduction 1
1.Features of American Culture and the Reflection in Cartoon Movies 6
1.1 Humor in American culture 6
1.2 Adventure spirit in American culture 6
1.3 Personal heroism in American culture 6
1.4 Inclusiveness and diversity in American culture 6

2.Analysis of The Croods and Cultural Aspects in it 7
2.1 Humor in Cartoon movies 7
2.2 Adventure in Cartoon movies 7
2.3 Personal heroism in Cartoon movies 7
2.4 Inclusiveness and diversity in Cartoon movies 8

3 .Conclusion 9
References 10




上一篇跨文化交流中的语用失误 下一篇中西文化差异对习语翻译的影响


