


上传会员: AH0de16
提交日期: 2022-12-16 16:20:56
文档分类: 英语专业
浏览次数: 8
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文档字数: 3710
题目(英文) THE CHARM OF AGATHA’S MYSTERY NOVEL-ON AND THEN THERE WERE NONE                                             
题目(中文)  阿加莎侦探小说的魅力-赏析无人生还                                           

We talk about Sherlock Holmes by conan Doyle, enjoy the river Nile and the Orient express by Agatha Christie, discussed black cats and grotesque stories by Edgar Allan. Count the best Asian mystery novelist like 江户川乱步、横沟正史etc., we suddenly realized that there was no Chinese name on the list. Which begs the question: why doesn't China have good detective stories? We need to know what unique charm makes Agatha Christie's novels so popular and enduring? For example, her book "And then there were none," which was published in 1939 in England. It’s the highest selling book so far, more than 100 million copies were sold worldwide. It’s also one of the highest selling mystery novels in history. Through the analysis of the whole structure of the story, the description of the details and the character’s psychology, to study the mysterious and fantastic detective world which she created for us. To find the secret of her success and to know the gap between our detective novels and her.

Key words: Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None , Detective Novels, Nursery Rhymes, Character Psychology


An overview of detective novels and the story
2.Agatha Christie’s world of detective…………………..….…… …4
   2.1The characterization of Agatha Christie ….…………………4
2.2 Her creative mode and her novels ………………………… 5
3.And Then There Were None-the charm of Agatha……….………6
3.1 Story synopsis…………………..…………………………….6
3.2 The hidden meaning of nursery rhymes ……….……………..7
3.3 The psychological description of the characters………………7
3.4 The soul of the story…………………………………………..8
4.Conclusion……………………………………………….……… 9
5. References……………………………………………….………10




上一篇Business English translation ba.. 下一篇跨文化交流对英语口语学习的影响


