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提交日期: 2022-12-16 13:20:34
文档分类: 英语专业
浏览次数: 8
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文档字数: 3673
题目(英文) Differences of religions between Chinese and American — on FORREST GUMP                                         
Forrest Gump is one of the classic movies in the history of American Hollywood that is loved by countless audiences with its rich connotation.This movie is not just a inspirational film. It has impressed us a lot by the profound religious consciousness contained in the movie. By analyzing the strong religious values and outlook on life of the movie characterit.However, author impressed that contained the deep religious consciousness in the colorful secular life with the film. The film through forrest gump’s fate as the main line, the plot expand around the closest to gump's main characters, embodies the Americans who have unique understanding of fate, reflects the American unique religious values.

By watching this movie, we can understand American social life and culture better and we can also experience the strong Christian tradition culture in America. This paper analyzes the differences between Chinese and American religious cultures,it mainly from different of the religious beliefs of the two countries,I will focus on these differences and annalyzed reason,and according these difference to extends the impact on their respective languages and cultures.

Key words:forrest gump,religions,movie,difference,American,Chinese

Introduction…………………………………………………….……… 2
1、Analysis of the differences between Chinese and America religious views in Forrest Gump …………………………………………….…… 3
1.1、Comparative analysis of whether Chinese people and Western people have religious belief   ……………….…………………3
1.2、Comparative analysis of the purpose and form of religious belief in China and the United States   …………….…………………4
2、Reasons for the religious differences between China and the America….………………….…………………………………………5
3、The influence of Chinese and american religious views on their respective cultures….………………….…………………….………6
3.1、The influence of Chinese and western religious ideas on language culture in forrest gump…………….………………………7
3.2、The influence of Chinese and western religious ideas on literary works…………………………………………………………………7
4、Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 8
References………………………………………………………….…… 8




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